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Registrazione e creazione Account

How can I create a new account?
To use the services of Easyposter you can login or click on new user. Enter the required data and wait for the confirmation email. After that, please go to login and enter your username and password, needed to access your personal area and view all the information related to your account, orders etc ...
I don't remember my password, how can I do?
Go on login, at the bottom you will find "I don't remember the password, click here." Click and enter your email address. Check the email entered for receiving the password.

Preventivi e ordini

How can I request information?
Yes, of course, you can click on quotes to request a customized quote for products not on the price list.
Can I add notes to my order?
Yes, you can add notes after you click "Checkout".
During the choice of shipping addresses, shipping methods, etc, the user can add notes on the order or on files.
When and how should I send the print file?
Sending files during the placement of an order is subject to the completion of the order.
Only after completing an order (whether paid by credit card, paypal or with bank) software allows to enter files.
To enter the files just choose the order, click "select all files" and select all the files to be sent, all together or one at a time.
If you want to send more files even after your order has been completed, all you need to do is to get back into the reserved area, select the order and repeat the procedure.
Can I buy more products in one order?
Each order can contain all the processes that the customer prefers, there are no limits. Each time you add a product just click on the "Continue Shopping".
Can I follow the status of my order?
Yes, the system automatically reports the various stages of file processing. An email is sent to the customer whenever the product passes to the next processing.
How to add a product to a placed order?
You can not add products to an order already placed: our processes, in fact, are highly automated to assure speed and punctuality of production times. Non è possibile aggiungere prodotti a un ordine già emesso: i nostri processi, infatti, sono altamente automatizzati per garantire velocità e puntualità dei tempi di produzione.
Is it possible to cancel or to modify an order?
Yes, only if it isn't in progress; you can check it in your personal area.
If you have chosen a formula of advanced payment (Credit Card, Paypal, etc.) you can cancel your order until you haven't made the payment.
For all other types of prepayment the order can not be deleted.
How can I request a quote?
On the site - you can choose the section and find the product closer to your needs. You can select the product, enter the quantity, size, additional options and know the final price.
You can add the product to the cart, go to checkout and know the shipping costs. You can also finalize the quote by clicking on buy.
For each completed order you will receive a confirmation email with a summary of the selected articles. The purchase of our products can only be carried out on the site.
How can I make an order?
It's simple, you choose the product, you decide the size, you add the name of the file, choose the options and choose your favourite day for delivery. Remember that delivery is indicative and not peremptory, so in rare cases there might be a few days' delay. Our deliveries are normally carried out by 90% on the day chosen by the customer, however, we rely on couriers and in some occasions (such as the Christmas period) they may be delayed.

Pagamenti e fatturazione

Where can I get the invoice of my order?
You can click on "Orders" or "Account" "Orders", enter your login and enter the orders section.
Can you change your invoicing information?
You can't change your invoicing information autonomously.
To do so, however, you can send an email with the old and new data to
Can I receive the goods to a different address?
It is certainly possible, it's important to specify at the time of order placement, while you are at the checkout, you will find the words "shipping address". Just enter the new data.
Where do I find the link for credit card and paypal payments?
The link is situated inside your account next to each "order". You can pay by paypal or credit card.
What is your privacy policy?
All collected data are handled by authorized personnel. Data is not transmitted to outside companies. Credit cards and paypal data are handled directly by the PAYPAL system.
Can I ask for a work with reduced VAT?
Yes, you can have bills with reduced VAT. To do so, after completing the order you need to contact the administration and provide the required documentation.

Realizzazione file per la stampa

What is the printing of opaque white on rigid transparent plexiglass?
With the opaque white option the white will be spread over the entire surface of one side of the transparent plexiglass panels. This procedure will make the impression opaque.
How to manage characters/fonts in my graphic files?
We always recommend to convert into outlines all fonts of your small and large format files, in this way you will avoid a misinterpretation of RIP (Raster Image Processor) and that the characters printed are slightly different from yours.
You can also incorporate them into the document without converting but it is no guarantee of proper printing.
Can I ask for a test printing?
We do not do printing test. It is possible to execute an order with a reduced number of copies, according to the quantity selectable in the quote.
But we can not assure uniformity between the printing of a small amount and any final next order.
Will the colors of the printing correspond to those that I see on my computer screen?
There are many different monitors, and each can be calibrated in a different way; for this reason it may occur that the final printing does not exactly match the image rendering on the computer screen. Before sending the final file therefore we recommend that you use the references color purchasible in colour charts section.
What does professional verification of files mean?
All files sent are checked automatically for:
- Check the size
- Check if the fonts are traced or open
- Convert Pantone in the file to the best printing profile
- Check that the resolution is not less than 70 dpi

Instead, by purchasing the verification of your files with an operator, you will get:
- Verification of possible white in overprinting
- Verification of the distance from the edge of the graphic elements
- Verification of the safety margins
- Verification of orientation front/back
- Verification of the correct graphic setting in case of fold
- Verification of the pdf of magazines and catalogues: size of back, number of pages, cover file
Which software can I use to create a graphic project?
The software to be used can be different: Indesign, QuarkXpress, Illustrator, Photoshop, and similar.
It's important to know that the optimum size for the letterpress printing is the PDF at 300 dpi that is not password protected.
We accept all types of PDF and recommend the PDF x3-2002.

For files to be printed in large format size is optimal an jpg uncompressed that is in maximum quality, 100 dpi and up. The optimum is reached with files at 150 dpi.
You can also send JPG and TIFF at 300 dpi resolution.
The images that we receive in RGB or Pantone colors are automatically converted to a separation profile Fogra 28.
It's important if you want the respect of the chromaticity of your image that you send a color proof cromalin certified. I software da usare possono essere diversi: Indesign, QuarkXpress, Illustrator, ma anche Photoshop e simili.
E' importante sapere che il formato ottimale per la stampa tipografica è il PDF a 300 dpi non protetto da password.
Accettiamo tutte tutti i tipi di PDF e consigliamo il formato PDF x3-2002.

Per i file da stampare nel grande formato il formato ottimale è il jpg non compresso ossia qualità massima, da 100 dpi in su. La qualità ottimale si raggiunge con file a 150 dpi.
Puoi inviarci anche formati JPG e TIFF a 300 dpi di risoluzione.
Le immagini che riceviamo in RGB o con colori PANTONE vengono convertite automaticamente con un profilo di separazione Fogra 28.
E' importante se si vuole che venga rispettata la cromaticità della vostra immagine che mandiate una prova colore cromalin certificata.
How to prepare files for the small size?
The print file for the small size should have a resolution of 300 dpi and must be converted to CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) with color profile Fogra 28.
If sent images in RGB or in PANTONE color , the software provides to approximate the file with the color of a standard separation profile.
But it is not said that corresponds to what is set by you.
The best format for printing is PDF high resolution that is 300 dpi.
What abundances should I enter in the files?
Small format
The abundance to have a minimum margin during the cutting phase of your product is 2 mm. In this way the trimming does not generate visible white marks or of another color. In the case of magazines or stapled with more than 4 pages instead use a 3 mm margin on all sides of each page.

Large format
All files in large format, to any supports, must have a margin of abundance of 1 mm on each side.
Why for Acrobat the measures of the file are correct but the system of verification signals an error?
It is possible that in phase of creation of the file a crop has been performed.
When it's realized with Acrobat, the crop or clipping of the file doesn't eliminate the part of image in excess that is cut, but it limits to hide it.
To make real the measures that you see opening your file with Acrobat, save it in . ps format and then distills the image with Adobe Distiller.
What are the parameters of the black for characters and texts?
It is very important to use the black in different way to second that treat with funds or of texts.
For black funds we always recommend black in four-color process: c 30, m 30, y 30, k 100.
For the texts,instead, we recommend an one-color process pure black : c 0, m 0, y 0, k 100. In this way you avoid the out of register.
Puis-je mettre un cadre autour des pages d'une brochure ou d'un volume?
It's strongly discouraged create color edges very thin around pages.
It may occur that for the dilation and the register of the front and back of the frame is different dimension between a copy and the next.
Can I print a product in a customized size different from the standard ones?
You can print files with non-standard dimensions. Just make the order / quote by selecting from the options provided the first format that can contain the size of your file. At that point, an operator will call you for a manual check of your files.
How to prepare files for printing a tome with binding?
In case of a tome with:

• Milled paperback:
Inside: the files must be in PDF format; the pages must be arranged individually and not side by side and saved in reading order. Each page must be provided with cut marks and must have an abundance of 3 mm on each side. The safety distance between the edges of the file and the texts or images should be 10 mm, as the gluing of the cover requires 5 mm margin.
Cover: the paperback cover files must be prepared according to the sizes of the back indicated in mm while filling out your quote and must include crop marks and 3 mm of abundance on each side. (Click here for instructions)

• Spiral binding:
The files must be in PDF format; the pages must be arranged individually and not side by side and saved in reading order. The pages must be provided of cut marks and must have an abundance of 3 mm on each side. To prevent the drilling of the texts, it is necessary to keep a distance of 1 cm between them and the final margin of the page.

• Staple:
The files must be in PDF format; the pages must be arranged individually and not side by side and saved in reading order.
Each page must be provided of cut marks and must have an abundance of 3 mm on each side.

• Paperback sewn with refe thread:
Inside: the files must be in PDF format; the pages must be arranged individually and not side by side and saved in reading order.
Each page must be provided of cut marks and must have an abundance of 3 mm on each side.

Cover 300 gr not cardboard: the file must be prepared according to the size of the back and have a 3 mm margin on each side.

Cardboard cover with back panel: the file must be prepared according to the thickness of the back and must have 2 cm in abundance on each side.

Cover 300 g with flaps: the file must be prepared according to the size of the back and must have the blurbs on the sides of X cm.
I am not able to make the graphics, can you do it?
Yes sure, Easyposter makes use of the graphic studio of RealVirtual to carry them out at a price that will be indicated. If the quote is accepted the studio will process your files, it sends them for the customer approval and then proceeds to the printing.
I have to change the graphics of my file, can you do it?
Yes, of course we can do it at a price that will be communicated to you, provided that the files sent are "open", that is editable.