Eventi backdrop
Print on Airtex
backdrops for your photo
Print carpet for events and customized rubber rugs
The printing of carpets and rubber mats represent 2 innovations in the world of customization for events and fairs.
Personalized carpet printing
The personalized carpet is printed on the surface using a sublimation process, and is used to decorate stand floors, for event and convention areas.
The printing takes place on a specific support and then hot transferred onto white carpet. The customized carpet is very resistant, has a good durability and is widely used for events even lasting several months.
Products such as step dryers or synthetic coconut carpets, being made with completely colored materials, have a significantly longer life than customized carpets and are more suitable for use in high-traffic shops or shopping centres.
The advantage of carpet is the four-color printing of photos, images and logos.
Print rubber mat
A much more resistant solution is the rubber mat. The rubber mat has a thickness of 2 mm, can be customized with four-colour printing, has excellent resistance to trampling over time and is non-slip.
The rubber mat is much more resistant over time and is used for walkways, floors and lanes.
It is widely used at fairs, events, presentations, it is economical and quick to install.